Sunday, January 20, 2008's WoW Idol Contest

A while back Rob (who performed the violin on 'He Will Redeem Us' linked me to the WoWRadio site and suggested for a laugh that we submit the song there for their WoW Idol contest. What the hell, why not? Well, apparently we made the finalists. There are some really entertaining songs up there from some talented people. Give a listen and vote for your favorite.

You can listen to all the songs here and when you are done, head to their frontpage and vote for your favorite in the drop down box on the right (in the ON AIR section.) Of course I'd love it if some voted for me, but I'm all about voting how you feel, so pick your fav and enjoy some fun warcraft music!

1 comment:

Hermes said...

Hopefully you have what it takes to down heavy hitters such as "Crank Dat Druid Boy." ;)